Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Sometimes, writing is just an impulse,
an escape from our own souls,
our fears, our unachievable goals
that we tend to set so often.

It almost feels like hands have a minds of its own
and mine wants to make that clear,
maybe to let you know what happened
in case she is planning to rule me over.

I want to write more often
I want to set my mind free
free of every rule there is in this world
and let her express in wich ever way she wants to.

I want to write about the sunset,
about the children,
about the love and hate
that struggles inside me,
without being judge.

I want to write about people,
about those that believe in me
and encourage me to follow my heart,
and also about those that don't have anything better to do
than talk about me, not even knowing if those things they say
are true.

I want to write about happiness,
and angryness,
I want to write about boredom
And things that only exist in my head...

I'll live in my cloud
and let my hand write...
of everything she wants...


Anonymous said...

Writing was once considered an ability of only a few. I often forget how fortunate I am to be able to read and write. Now, as an expression of appreciation, I would like to write like no other writing, correctly, using "rich" vocabulary, profusely, creative, descriptive, fast, syllable by syllable, ignorant of my desires that subliminally show from the thought structures I portray or my usage of stops, as if it that could stop that which is like an impulse and hard, hard to stop, take out... :-S :-) ;-)

Anonymous said...

I miss you ru

Unknown said...

Hey esos square kids tan bien cool. Mira actualicé un chin el blog al fin :)

Jenin said...

tenkiu .. tenkiu .. :D .. i miss u too ru :(