Wednesday, January 03, 2007


Writing doesn´t feel good these days,
everythings is so abstract that
I can barely capture it in words.

I just want to sleep and
wake up in a different place,
outside this world,
or at least outside my mind.

Just like a star...

I want everything to be perfectly unperfect

And I don´t feel like waiting anymore...


Carlos Morales said...

i don't feel like waiting anymore....

Anonymous said...

La animacion se parece tanto a ti...por otro lado espero que aunque no escribas con feeling, tu vida vuelva a llenarse de esa emocion y pasion que siempre te caracteriza!
Luv ya!

Montirul said...


Doménico said...

Totaly understand, divine sin, pefectly wrong, like the best sickness

Doménico said...

Totaly understand, divine sin, pefectly wrong, like the best sickness

Doménico said...

Totaly understand, divine sin, pefectly wrong, like the best sickness